United Way of Northeast Louisiana READ.LEARN.SUCCEED. offers opportunities for volunteers interested in helping area 2nd and 3rd graders improve their reading skills.
FACT: Studies show that students who can't read on grade level by the end of 3rd grade are four times LESS likely to graduate from high school.
Launched in partner schools during the 2012-13 school year, READ.LEARN.SUCCEED. volunteer community education initiative was designed to help place area students on a good path toward school success by improving their reading skills, ultimately increasing their chances of graduating high school.
READ.LEARN.SUCCEED. pairs trained community volunteers with 2nd grade students (3rd grade students at Jefferson only) at 20 partner schools across our region to become one-on-one Volunteer Readers or Pen-Friends. These volunteers and their assigned students practice and sharpen reading and writing skills monthly from October through March.
These amazing volunteers give of their time and energy to help Northeast Louisiana children have a better quality of life, both now and into the future.